What is L.A.H.

What is L.A.H.

L.A.H stands for Low Angle Haze, which is a commonality and more pronounced in your more premium tints, in particular Ceramic-Based tints. Typically speaking, the higher the Infrared Radiation (IR Rejection) the more pronounced the haze can be upon certain low angles. This is because these state of the art Ceramic Films possess a composition of a highly dense matrix of nanoceramic particles packed tightly together, which is why it is super-effective at rejecting heat better than any other alternative out there. This can occur in carbon tints too, where nano particles of carbon is used, but Carbon alone has a significantly lower rating of rejecting IR. Unlike, your old fashioned metallised, reflective and dyed tints (which tend to be the cheaper quality selections, may not have a light haze to the same degree to these nanotechnology films, but nonetheless compromise on heat reduction, thermal regulation and overall durability ie colour stability and so on.